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How can a coworking space help working parents?

How can a coworking space help working parents?

Miruna Cuzman

25 days ago

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When you become a parent a lot of things change. As your child grows, you must learn how to manage your family life and work life.

Multiple studies show that parents who can’t separate their work from their family life leave consequences on their children. For example, this study  from WOW Parenting says: 
To begin with, in a family where both parents are working and not able to spend quality time, their children are often lacking necessary support and supervision. Over time, it will make them demoralized and have serious effects on their academic performance. There is an alarming issue that less and less close conversation has been made between children and the other family members, many children feel lonely even at their own home.” 
We asked members who are working parents about how they felt after joining a coworking space: 
  • Why did you decide to join a coworking space?
Member 1: To work more efficiently and to not spend more than my 8 hours in front of the monitor.
  • How has coworking influenced your work-life balance? Do you think it has helped you organize your time better?
Member 1: Coworking has given me that balance.
Member 2: For me, the most important thing is that I can come to coworking by bike and that I have the central area for different errands at hand.
  • Do your children go to afterschools / kindergartens nearby? What impact do they have on your working day? (e.g. if you find you waste less time in traffic)
Member 1: The child goes to a kindergarten nearby. It is easy to get in any direction (daycare, playground, home, downtown) from here (The Garden). 
Member 2: At the moment I just take my little one in the mornings to the afterschool, which is in the area where I live, but it helps that I can do it on the way to work. It's clearly an advantage, that on the way to Cowork, to drop the little one off, so I don't have to make the extra effort.
  • Do you think parents who work from home would benefit from a coworking space? Why?
Member 1: Yes. After a long period of working from home, any free time in front of the monitor was spent doing something around the house without allocating time for a little relaxation/pause. From the office, you concentrate on your work and also benefit from those little breaks where you can disconnect.
Member 2: It's very important to separate the workspace from the relaxation space. For me, home means relaxation and I don't want to mix it too much with the work area.
Working from home can be a good switch when you feel a little stressed but if you’re a working parent this can have an impact on your child. Make sure you and your little one have a good schedule and you’re both “there” when it’s time for family.
Join a coworking space and give yourself a break from the constant struggle to juggle all your responsibilities. Try a coworking desk now by using this link

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